A. Following the media reports that stated US Anti-Gay Pastor, Steven Anderson was prohibited entry into South Africa on the grounds of hate speech and the prospect to incite violence. We hereby request the following records, in relation to the use of section 29(1)(d) of Immigration Act 13 of 2002 as the grounds to prohibit or as a means to impose restrictions entry into South Africa including:
a. A record or records that reflects:
i. The number of foreigners denied entry under section 29(1)(d) of Immigration Act 13 of 2002 since 2015.
ii. The number of foreigners allowed entry under prescribed restrictions citing 29(1)(d) of Immigration Act 13 of 2002 as cause since 2015.
b. All policy documents, manuals, and training materials relating to section 29(1)(d) of the Immigration Act 13 of 2002.
B. Media outlets also mentioned a DHA/LGBTI task-team being established on 7 June 2016. We hereby request any and all records in relation to that meeting, including, but not limited to:
a. Minutes, agenda, records shared within the meeting and other related documents from the meeting held on 7 June 2016 between the Department of Home Affairs officials and the LGBTI community.
]]>(i) Total number of vacant positions in your department (including level of positions) within the past 5years
(ii) Total number of positions advertised within the past 5years
(iii) Total numbers of positions that were vacant but not advertised and reasons thereof within the past 5years
(iv) Total number of position filled after being advertised within the past 5years
(v) Budget allocated to each position within the past 5years
(vi) Human resource policy indicating procedure on filling vacant positions
(vii) Human resource policy indicating time frames to filling positions
(viii) Human resource policy indicating criteria and selection process
]]>(i) A list detailing staff members, their post and contact details
(ii) A list of requirements for a permanent residence permit
(iii) A report detailing the annual budget, how much is being spent and what is it being spent on from 2009- 2013
(iv) The policies and procedures regarding permanent residence permit applications
(v) Annual report detailing how many applications are received, how many are still being processed and how many has been finalised from 2009- 2013
(vi) The estimated time cycle of an application from submission stage to the final stage
(vii) A copy of any policies or practice directed at eliminating discrimination against applicants
(viii) A list of required communication expected from the department to the applicant from the date of submmission till the application is granted or refused.
]]>a. The amount of money allocated for deportations
b. The actual expenditures on deportations
2. Any and all information for the year 2011 on:
a. The amount of money allocated for deportations
b. The actual expenditures on deportations
3. Any and all information for the year 2012 on:
a. The amount of money allocated for deportations
b. The actual expenditures on deportations
4. Any and all information pertaining to the amount of money allocated for deportations for the year 2013.
• Implementation policies/frameworks of act 49 of 2003
• Turnaround times for amendments to identity documents for sex change requests
• Total number of application received by the department to amend sex from 1 March 2009 to 29 February 2012
• Total number of identity documents amended from one sex to another from 1 March 2009 to 29 February 2012
• Total number of identity documents where the sex of individual has been amended, and have had there documents released to their recipients from 1 March 2009 to 29 February 2012